Tackling problems with any taxing authority, state or federal.

Taxing Authority Problems

Before you call one of the large advertisers claiming to solve your problems for pennies on the dollar, take the time to talk to your trusted, local expert.

Suzanne Barba Consulting LLC is here to help you resolve your tax problems. We pride ourselves on being very efficient and, of course, extremely discrete.

We can help you with the following IRS tax problems:

  • Non-Filing - What if you fail to file? - The IRS may file what is known as a substitute return for you. However, as you well know, the IRS will not be looking to save you any money. In fact, a substitute return will not include any of the standard deductions your accountant would typically include in your return. For example, a substitute return only allows one exemption and would be prepared assuming you are filing either single or married filing separate. Additionally, this substitute form would only allow for the standard deduction so you may end up with a higher tax liability than if you had filed your return timely.

  • Tax Authority Notices – Receiving a notice from the IRS or the state is stressful! We have experience understanding notices and securing resolution with tax authorities. Even if you get a notice for a return that we did not prepare, we can help navigate the process and find a resolution.

  • IRS Audit Notification - Did you receive an audit letter from the IRS? The first step is not to panic. The IRS uses letters to communicate with taxpayers about IRS audits. As with most IRS communication, there are deadlines associated with IRS audit letters. You will have time to review the items that are being contested and prepare your response. Selecting a return for examination does not always suggest that the taxpayer has either made an error or been dishonest. In fact, some examinations result in a refund to the taxpayer or acceptance of the return without change.

  • Payment Plans – if you have filed your return but don’t have the funds available to immediately pay all the taxes due, we can assist with applying for a payment plan (including an installment agreement) to pay off your balance over time.

  • Offers-in-Compromise - Reduce your IRS debt with an offer-in-compromise - Qualifying for an offer-in-compromise settlement can save you thousands of dollars in taxes, penalties and interest. An offer-in-compromise is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS to settle the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. Absent special circumstances, an offer will not be accepted if the IRS believes that the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or through a payment agreement.

Resolve your tax problem with the peace of mind that you are in good hands. Please contact us via the contact form to set up a free consultation.

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